
Continuous delivery of NuGet package using TravisCI
Emiliano Montesdeoca del Puerto  |  25 marzo 2020

Recently I did a tutorial on how to use Travis CI as a tool to automatically test your code that you just pushed or trying to push to master branch. Making it to be compiled and tested and finally report you the status of that change.

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Continuous integration for a .NET Core 3.0 project using TravisCI
Emiliano Montesdeoca del Puerto  |  23 marzo 2020

This last weekeend I decided that I wanted to properly start my scraper-checker-downloader project that I’ve been doing in different repositories.

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Generación dinámica de objetos con ExpandoObject
Emiliano Montesdeoca del Puerto  |  16 marzo 2020

En este post te explicaremos cómo utilizar .NET ExpandoObject para crear un objeto y agregar miembros dinámicos👌

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