
DNN Azure AD Provider 3.0

Hi! After another bunch of work with React and the DNN Persona Bar, and with the special collaboration of Microsoft Azure MVP Cesar Abreu (@cesabreu), the new version of the DNN Azure AD Provider has been published.

Download DNN Azure AD Provider 3.0 from GitHub

There are several features on this release:

  • New Persona Bar integration: the Azure AD provider now has an area on the persona bar to easily setup the provider without having to dig into the authentication providers submenus. This area was also needed to have an starting point for the new features coming on the next release such as role sync and claims/profile mapping);
  • Auto-redirect: when you are only using the Azure AD provider, you would probably like to directly go to the AD login page without doing a previous stop on the DNN login page. This option just make this. If you still need, as an admin, to login with DNN credentials when this option is enabled, you can pass “legacy=1” on the query string of your login page in your browser so you can login as a regular DNN user. In any case, remember you can make a Azure AD user as super user of your site;
  • Setup simplification: on the previous releases, two applications needed to be setup in your Azure AD. This has now been simplified and only one App registration is needed. The other parameters have been simplified as well, so you only need to specify the Azure Tenant ID, the App ID and secret. Check the setup instructions on GitHub.
  • Logout: when I initially created the provider, followed the other DNN authentication providers patterns (Twitter, Google, etc.) where the logout process is not actually implemented, so when logging out, the user is logged out from DNN but the OAuth token is not expired on the OAuth provider. On this release, the logout process is fully implemented, so both the DNN cookie and the OAuth token are correctly expired. Check the video below:


Apart of this new features, other bugs have been fixed.

The project is available on GitHub as always:

Un saludo y happy coding!


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