
BBVA Open Challenge Global Trends

BBVA Open Challenge Global Trends
This 1st of August has started the BBVA Open Challenge Global Trends, a contest created with the objective of finding solutions to the challenges that are presented in its sector, and this year, Intelequia will be in charge of guiding the participants to the challenge to develop mixed-reality trader workstations.

In this post and in the following Github Repository we will keep all the necessary documentation for the project up to date starting with a start-up guide to help developers of BBVA's Open Challenge to prepare their Mixed Reality (MR) projects using Microsoft holographic technology. But developing high quality MR projects requires prior knowledge such as:

  1. Prepare holographic tooling and SDK
  2. Animation, lighting and modeling of 3D objects
  3. Develop scenes with Unity3D

And also some experience with Hololens, the hardware device Head Mounted Display (HMD) designed by the Microsoft team.


contest logo


For this reason the organization of the event has decided to democratize the contest allowing the developers to do their projects using only the emulator and later providing them a Hololens for their presentation in Chicago. This prevents the developer from having the Hololens hardware, which is currently in a development phase, with a high price and geographical limitation for its distribution.

If you want to participate in this challenge, access the following link:

This resources has been developed by Intelequia VR Team. Any doubts or clarifications that contestants have about the procedures described can direct it to the mailbox of technical support, indicating in the body of the same the data of registry of the contestant.


- Official Documentation -

Mixed Reality Trading Workplace Challenge Repository

Mixed Reality Trading Workplace Start-up guide

BBVA Open Challenge Global Trends Website

contest schedule



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