
Last update: October 22th, 2022

Intelequia specializes in Microsoft technologies and its Intelligent Cloud products. Our company was born in the midst of the financial crisis and the suitability of our technological solutions to save costs to companies made us grow and consolidate in the Cloud model, in which we are currently market leaders thanks to the commitment in training and specialization that we have carried out over the years.

Intelequia aims to be a company with good results, maintaining excellent relationships with suppliers and offering the best services and technological solutions to our customers. Thus contributing to the virtuous circle that involves job creation, the contribution to public administration for the benefit of citizens and the growth of all companies, organizations and freelancers who rely on our professionalism. 

And we want to do this by being a sustainable and socially responsible company, putting people at the center, providing the necessary tools and security to assume their responsibilities and fostering a culture in which we seek to grow by growing. We avoid hierarchies as much as possible and we are committed to a work model based on collaboration, which allows knowledge to reach each and every person so that they can develop their ingenuity and creativity.  

Canary Islands Transparency Law

Intelequia will keep this portal updated so that our customers, suppliers and citizens in general can consult our activity, according to the Transparency Law 19/2013 and Law 12/2014, of December 26, on Transparency and Access to Public Information of the Government of the Canary Islands.

More information: Comisionado de Transparencia del Gobierno de Canarias


Note on accessibility: the information published on this transparency portal has been made in accordance with the principle of universal accessibility and design for all established in the WCAG 2.1. guidelines published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). You can read our web accessibility statement for more information. 

Annual Report on the degree of implementation of the Canary Islands Transparency Law


  1. Institutional Information
  2. Organizational information
  3. Economic and financial information
  4. Public contracting information
  5. Covenants
  6. Grants and subsidies

Institutional Information

Cloud Specialists
Cloud Specialists
Mission Statement

Intelequia is a Technology Consultant specialized in the Intelligent Cloud and acompanies businesses in their continuous Digital Transformation, helping them to incorporate technologies that allow greater local effectiveness in global challenges, and adopting ethical principles based on good practices with the aim of boosting the development of human capabilities and, especially, ingenuity.


The Gold Cloud Platform recognition granted by Microsoft within the Microsoft Gold Certified Partner certification program, accredits Intelequia as a technology partner with excellent capabilities to address digital transformation projects for businesses.


We're not just an external software company; by working with us, we're part of your team. Our mission is to provide the most appropriate tools and technologies to help our clients achieve their goals. Whether it's reducing the cost of delivering IT and maintenance expenses to allow more investment in new frontline staff or building a data platform for your industry.


We are committed to helping companies keep up with the latest technology, improving the way they do business, as we have the experience to make people's lives better and easier. All our services are based on the most advanced technological environments in the market to offer differential and lasting solutions to our customers. We understand that every business and every project is unique, that is why we adapt our process to meet the needs of each individual client.

Our Values
Our Values

Promote and encourage responsible competitiveness that seeks the success of the company, its employees and at the same time contributes to the well-being of society.


Promote equal employment opportunities and combat discrimination based on race, sex and/or gender.


To be committed to the continuous improvement of our skills to design technological strategies that allow our clients to evolve and adapt to the quality and competitiveness requirements that are demanded nowadays. 


Incorporate ethical and social quality in the value chain, as well as the concept of shared value in the relationship with our suppliers.


Maintain a preventive approach that favors the environment and promote the development of environmentally friendly technologies.


Constant investments in R&D&I, which allow us to improve the jobs we generate, as well as to be more resilient to economic cycles and thus contribute to the stability of our economy.


Comply with our tax obligations and current jurisprudence.


Promote favorable working conditions for the quality of life, personal and professional development of employees, family members and suppliers.


Contribute and invest time, talent and resources in the development of the communities in which we operate.


Participate, through alliances with other companies, civil society organizations, chambers and/or groups in the discussion, proposals and attention to social issues of public interest.

Organizational Information

Applicable Regulations

Intelequia is a commercial company governed by the following regulations:

Organization chart

Intelequia avoids hierarchies as much as possible, and is committed to a work model based on collaboration, which allows knowledge to reach each and every person, so that they can develop their ingenuity and creativity.

Formats: Word, PDF, ODT

Management Team

The management team is composed by:

Information relating to the functions and competencies, corporate purpose or foundational purpose of the entity.

Intelequia, a private company, within the scope of its competencies, carries out the following activities, within the framework of its bylaws and according to its purpose:

  • Technology consulting services
  • Analysis, development, deployment, configuration and integration of solutions based on Microsoft technologies on artificial intelligence, IoT, Big Data or mixed reality.
  • Managed services and IT resource management
  • Security
  • Training
  • Research and development
  • Other IT-related services

The suitability of its technological solutions to save costs to companies has been consolidated in the Cloud model, in which they are currently market leaders, thanks to the commitment to training and specialization that they have carried out over the years. 

The founding purpose of the company has always been to accompany customers in their digital transformation processes, in order to design technological strategies that allow them to evolve and adapt to the demands of quality and competitiveness that are demanded in different sectors and industries.  Thus becoming their technological partners and maintaining quality and innovation standards that enable a long-term relationship with them, allowing them to achieve greater local efficiency in global challenges. 

Economic and Financial Information

Annual accounts

Intelequia complies with its legal obligation to deposit its annual accounts in the Mercantile Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and they may be requested there.

External audits

The following is a detail of the audit reports and audits performed by external control bodies for the year indicated:

Fiscal year 2020

  • Report on the review and verification of the accuracy, reality and eligibility of the expenses requested to obtain the subsidy for investment projects of small and medium-sized companies in the Canary Islands (formats: Word, PDF, ODT)
  • Report on the review and verification of the accuracy, reality and eligibility of the expenses requested to obtain the subsidy for projects of technology-based and knowledge-intensive companies for investment in R&D, access to advanced technological services and technology transfer (formats: Word, PDF, ODT)

Fiscal year 2021

  • No external audit has been carried out during this fiscal year.

Public contracting information

List of formalized contracts and statistical data

Information on contracts entered into with public administrations and agencies for the years indicated, as well as statistical data related to them, is provided below in different formats.

Fiscal year 2020

  • List of contracts and statistics - 2020 (formats: Excel, ODS)
  • No contract has been withdrawn or waived
  • No changes were done over formalized contracts

Fiscal year 2021

  • List of contracts and statistics: 2021 (formats: Excel, ODS)
  • No contract has been withdrawn or waived
  • No changes were done over formalized contracts


  • Quarterly information on minor contracts not available


Covenants and management entrustments

Covenants and management entrustments

The following are the covenants and management assignments for the fiscal years indicated.


  • Educational cooperation agreement between the University of La Laguna and Intelequia for the realization of external internships for undergraduate and Master students of the University of La Laguna (formats: Word, PDF, ODT), No modifications have been made during the term of the agreement. 


  • None has been obtained during this fiscal year.

Grants and subsidies

Grants and subsidies received by public administrations and agencies

Grants and subsidies

The following is a list of grants and subsidies received through public administrations and agencies for the year indicated.

Fiscal Year 2020

  • EATIC: Support for projects of technology-based and knowledge-intensive companies for investment in R&D, access to advanced technological services and technology transfer. Priority areas of the RIS3 of the Canary Islands. File number Eatic2020010019 (formats: Word, PDF, ODT)
  • PYMES: subsidy for investment projects of small and medium-sized companies in the Canary Islands. File number PI2020010236 (formats: Word, PDF, ODT)

Fiscal year 2021

  • No aid or subsidy has been received during this fiscal year.