
Cyber Threat Detection and Response

Cyber Threat Detection and Response

Protect the security and integrity of your corporate data and information. Intelequia's SOC Service offers you 24x7 monitoring, protection and automated response to cyber threats.

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Why do you need a SOC service now?

A SOC is a team of security professionals dedicated to monitoring, detecting and responding to cyber threats that may affect an organization's IT security to minimize any impact.

1. Monitoring

1. Monitoring

We identify and mitigate potential threats in real time helping to minimize the risk of data breaches, cyber-attacks and other security incidents.

2. Detection

2. Detection

We monitor network traffic monitoring, identification of unusual behavior, security incidents and detection of malicious activity.

3. Threat response

3. Threat response

We respond quickly to security incidents by providing real-time alerts and actionable intelligence to reduce detection and response time.

How does a SOC Service work?

1. Incident Detection

1. Incident Detection

The SOC continuously monitors network traffic, system logs and alerts from various security tools to identify any unusual or suspicious activity that could signify a security incident.

2. Initial Classification

2. Initial Classification

The SOC continuously monitors network traffic, system logs and alerts from various security tools to identify any unusual or suspicious activity that could signify a security incident.

3. Incident Analysis

3. Incident Analysis

The SOC team conducts a detailed analysis of the incident, gathering more information about the nature of the threat, its origin and potential impact on the organization's assets.

4. Scaling

4. Scaling

If the incident requires further expertise or assistance, the SOC team escalates the issue to relevant stakeholders within the organization, such as IT, legal or management teams.

5. Containment

5. Containment

The SOC team takes appropriate action to contain the threat and prevent it from spreading or causing further damage to the organization's systems and data.

6. Remediation

6. Remediation

Once the threat is contained, the SOC team works to eliminate the root cause of the incident and remove any malicious elements from the affected systems.

7. Recovery

7. Recovery

The SOC team ensures that affected systems are returned to their normal operating state and verifies that no vulnerabilities or malicious elements remain.

8. Reporting

8. Reporting

The SOC team documents the incident, its resolution and the steps taken throughout the process, providing reports to relevant stakeholders and ensuring transparency and accountability.

What does our SOC service include?

1. Comprehensive protection against threats

1. Comprehensive protection against threats

We provide you with comprehensive threat protection, identifying and responding to potential threats in real time 24x7.

2. Regulatory Compliance

2. Regulatory Compliance

We help you achieve compliance with relevant regulations and standards, such as HIPAA (USA) or GDPR (EU).

3. Advanced Technology

3. Advanced Technology

We provide you with the most advanced tools and technology to protect your Endpoints and ingest logs and alerts (SIEM, EDR, EPP) in your infrastructure.

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